8th Grade Class Update: March

Dear 8th Grade Families,

Thank you for your continued partnership preparing us for the many important opportunities that arise in the Spring of 8th Grade.

We have a few important dates we want to bring to your attention:

  1. Hero Requested: Thursday March 16. Your student will submit their request for their Hero Project subject with your signature needed.

  2. No School: Friday March 17 for a teacher in-service day

3. Junior High Dance: Friday March 17 at Trinity. Please look for information and a permission slip from your student next week.

4. Fundraiser Opportunity Sunday March 19: Knights of Columbus pancake breakfast at St. Aloysius Church in O’Malley Hall. Two shifts needed: 8:00-9:30 and 11:00-12:30. Please email Mr. Conroy at dconroy@stalsschool.org if you’d like to commit your child to this opportunity.  The Knights of Columbus will make a donation to our 8th grade class with that amount being split among the students who volunteer at the breakfast.

  5. Spring Conferences: Friday March 24. Mrs. Holland has already sent an email requesting scheduled meetings for families that we need to meet with on the March 24th Optional Parent/Teacher Conference day.  If she did not reach out to you, but you feel that you need to schedule a meeting with us, please email Mrs. Holland.

6. Butter Braids Fundraiser: Begins Monday March 27. 

7. Stations of the Cross: Friday March 31 

Thank you for your continued partnership with us. Please reach out to us with any questions or concerns.

Mr. Dane Conroy and Mrs. Amanda Holland


March 10 Newsletter


3rd Grade: March 10th Newsletter