The PE Corner (September)

Welcome to The PE Corner!

This is our monthly newsletter. In this Newsletter, you can expect to see the schedule for the current month, Health and Fitness and PE unit topics, and any written assessments that can be expected. Assessments for the year can be seen by grade level in the Health/Fitness/PE Curriculum Map. The newsletter will be attached at the bottom.


  1. Health and Fitness Unit

    1. Five for Life (Five Components of Fitness)

    2. Cardiorespiratory Endurance (Heart Health) 

  2. Physical Education Unit 

    1. K-2 Grade: Locomotor Skills 

    2. Striking a ball with hands

    3. K-4 Grade Game: Four Square

    4. Throwing and catching a disc 

    5. 5-8 Grade Game: Ultimate Frisbee

THE PE CORNER (Newsletter)


Weekly Newsletter


Welcome to Health and Fitness + PE